THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES How many of you have ever closely examined a dollar bill? On the back side, there is a picture of both sides of the Great Seal of The United States. Read its description below. *** The Great Seal of the United States, adopted in 1782, is the only government seal in the world having two sides. The face depicts an American Eagle, representing national sovereignty which is breasted by our national shield. The eagle is holding in its right talon an olive branch of 13 leaves and thirteen olives symbolizing peace. In the left talon are thirteen arrows signifying the original colonies' fight for liberty. A ribbon held in the eagles beak is inscribed " E pluribus Unum." or "One out of many." in reference to unity of the thirteen colonies as one government. Over the eagles head is a grouping of 13 stars wreathed in in clouds, again representing the original colonies. The pyramid on the reverse side of the Great Seal represents permanence and strength. Its unfinished condition indicates that the United States will always grow, build and improve with a continuous evaluation of Truth. The thirteen layers of stone in the pyramid refer to the thirteen original states and the individual rights of the states. The separate stones represent local self government. The words "Annuit Coeptis (thirteen letters) mean "God has favored our undertakings." or "enterprise." At the bottom are the words "Novus Ordo Seclorum." meaning "New Order of the Ages." At the base of the pyramid is the Roman description of "1776" the year our country was founded. The "Eye" of Providence" within a glory of light placed above the pyramid illustrates the spiritual above the material. It also represents education and freedom of knowledge. *** ===========================================================================